
to drink everything in is also to feel very full

i am replaying things in my mind;

i like pressing ‘rewind’ for moments i want to relive again and again,

‘pause’ for the ones i wish would never end,

and ‘slow motion’ for the kissing scenes.


once i drew a perfect circle and showed it to someone and they said that's an oval

i am hormonal and i will tear your hair out


i'm nice


you have such cute morning legs


we are puddles

we are the tender weather


you are still the same-- no one ever really changes; that's what i told you, no one ever really changes. you looked at me and said, 'your smile is still the same'


i heard your cat drinking out of my water glass and i had to keep myself from laughing. i heard his little mouth moving the ice cubes. you were asleep and i had to laugh silently.


i want to make a shirt that says, 'reading is righteous!'


sometimes i think you are the reincarnation of an ugly bunny rabbit.


i'm still afraid of the dark