
Reddi Whip me into a frenzy.

i need a haircut.

let's do all the tiny intimate things i fantasize about constantly.

you would put your book-pages down on your extended legs and smoke and watch me writing at the roll-top and i would feel romantically unfulfilled and not look back at you until i heard your eyes shimmering with your back to the wall of my bedroom.

there is no need to draw lines.

today i wash my hair for you. maybe.

sometimes i stare at plants and wonder if they have feelings or if they would scream if we were to touch them or cut them and we just can't hear.

i drink and then have bad handwriting and i tend to drink and then write.

i feel bad and good to see you.

i feel good.

i look forward to it.

i experience sensations of worry and regret constantly.

you are pretty and you are snow and you are sad and you are my muse.

you are a desert and i grow on you despite all odds.


Stephen Daniel Lewis said...

i really like that last line, and the rest of it too.

LL said...

i suck at writing

Anonymous said...


the first line. well there's nothing that can be said about that that is appropriate ;)

the last line is gorgeous.

i like these snippets.

LL said...

bologna is the most ridiculously spelled word ever. i love it. baloney!

thanks, i like that one, i have terrible anxiety about the last line of everything

thanks ryan

Anonymous said...

any time.

if i weren't so braindead from peddling children's books all day i'd write you an ode or something.

Anonymous said...

to keep you company in the cold.

LL said...

write that anyway it will make the world a less dreary thing and more like something that is alive

Anonymous said...
